Results For Uzbekistan Listings

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Outer City Wall,  Jiva, Uzbekistán

Located in the city of Khiva, Itchan Kala also spelled Ichan Qa’la was an important stepping stone a

Urgench, Uzbekistán

Among the sights of Urgench stands out the monument to the great mathematician and the founder of Al

Topraq-Kala, Beruniy District, Uzbekistá

oprak Kala is the ruin of a large fortified palace dating from the 1st or 2nd centuries CE through t

Ayaz-Kala Museum, Uzbekistán

On the colorful cliffs of one the Sultauizdag eastern spurs, in the Kyzyl Kum desert there survived

Ayaz-Kala Fortress, Uzbekistán

Ayaz-Kala is an archaeological site in Northern Uzbekistan. Situated on a hilltop overlooking the Ky

Chor Bakr Memorial Complex, Kalaya, Uzbe

The memorial complex of Chor-Bakr was built on the burial site of Abu-Bakr-Said, who died in the yea

Ismail Samani Mausoleum, Bukhara, Uzbeki

The Samanid Mausoleum is located in a park on the outskirts of the historical center of Bukhara, Uzb