Results For Libya 2019 Listings

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Great Man-Made River, Bani Walid, Libya

Great Man-Made River, a network of underground pipelines bringing high-quality fresh water from anci

Archaeological Site of Leptis Magna, UNE

Leptis Magna was enlarged and embellished by Septimius Severus, who was born there and later became

Anfiteatro Romano Di Leptis Magna, Libya

The Roman amphitheater of Lepcis Magna, located near the present-day city of Khoms in Libya. During

Byzantine Wall, Leptis Magna, Libya

When the Byzantine walls were erected during the sixth century A.D., the city had already been boile

Temple of Jupiter, Leptis Magna, Libya

Septimus Severus donated the city many buildings such as a new forum, a temple for Jupiter, and a ba

Temple of Rome and Augustus, Leptis Magn

The temple itself, which stood upon a podium, was constructed entirely of local limestone.

The Serapaeum, Leptis Magna, Libya

Temple of Serapis is dedicated to an earlier Egyptian god, indicating strong links with Alexandria.

Leptis Magna, UNESCO, Khoms, Libya

Leptis Magna, also spelled Lepcis Magna, Punic transliteration Labqior Lpqi, modern Labdah, largest