Results For Egypt 2019 Listings

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Temple of Ramses The Second

These rock-cut temples are located in the ancient Wawat in Nubia, near the borders of Sudan, about 3

Kertasi Temple

Temple of Kertassi - dedicated to the goddess Hathor. Rescued from the rising waters of Lake Nasser

Aswan airport

Aswan airport was established in may 1956 with costs about half million Egyptian pound to serve tour

Philae Island

Philae is an island in the Nile River between the old Aswan Dam and the Aswan High Dam.

Temple of Isis, Agilkia Island

Built to honour the goddess Isis, this was the last temple built in the classical Egyptian style. Co

Aswan Museum

The modern annexe of the museum has reopened with a delightful collection of objects, from weapons,

Nubian Museum

The Nubian Museum is an archaeological museum located in Aswan, Upper Egypt.