Results For Madaba Listings

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Wadi Mujib Adventure Center, Madaba Gove

Canyoning is the perfect way for thrill seekers to experience the challenges and beauty of Jordan’s

Mujib Nature Reserve, Madaba Governorate

At 410 meters below sea level, the Mujib Biosphere Reserve is the lowest nature reserve on Earth.

Ma’in Hot Springs, Madaba Governor

Popular with both locals and tourists alike, the springs are located 264m below sea level in one of

Wadi Zarqa Ma’in, lower Trial, Mad

Wadi Zarqa Ma’in is supposed to be the “Valley of God” Nahaliel mentioned in the Bible as a camping

Dead Sea Museum, Madaba Governorate, Jor

For a solid introduction to the geology, history and environment of the Dead Sea, spare an hour for

Oh Beach Dead Sea, Madaba Governorate, J

This private beach, stepped down the hillside in a series of landscaped terraces and infinity pools,

Crown plaza Beach, Madaba Governorate, J

Located at the Dead Sea with 420 rooms and suites including one Presidential and Royal Suite,.

Dead Sea Beach, Madaba Governorate, Jord

The water in the Dead Sea is extremely salty, and has been estimated to be the second saltiest major