
Simplon Pass, Simplon, Switzerland

The Simplon Pass links Brig (Valais) with Domodossola in Northern Italy. Now generally open in winter, it was used as early as the Stone Age, though until the 17th century it was mainly traversed by smugglers and mercenaries as the narrow Gondo Gorge was considered impassable, even by Roman Era architects.

It was the Brig merchant prince Kaspar Jodok von Stockalper, who began to use the Simplon Pass in the middle of the 17th century for bringing salt on the backs of mules from the Mediterranean. It goes without saying that the trade made him immensely rich. The monumental baroque Stockalper Palace in Brig bears witness to his epoch.

The Simplon Pass road can be traveled practically all year round, but in spite of many protective terraces, it is possible for the pass road link to become temporarily interrupted.

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