
Results For Strasbourg Listings

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European Parliament, Strasbourg, Alsace,

Founded in 1979, the European Parliament has been home to 785 Euro MPs representing the 27 countries

mapMarkerGrey 1 Avenue du Président Robert S...

Kleber square, Strasbourg, Alsace, Franc

Place Kleber, the largest square at the center of the city of Strasbourg in the heart of the city's

mapMarkerGrey 31 Place Kléber, 67000 Strasbo...

Cave des Hospices Strasbourg, Strasbourg

Founded in 1395, this brick-vaulted wine cellar nestles deep in the bowels of Strasbourg’s hospital.

mapMarkerGrey 1 Place de L Hôpital, 67000 St...

Gutenberg Square, Strasbourg, Alsace, Fr

Strasbourg is unveiled in the lively medieval backstreets, the ancient district of Petite France, th

mapMarkerGrey 15 Place Gutenberg, 67000 Stra...

Rohan Palace, Strasbourg, Alsace, France

The Palais Rohan in Strasbourg is the former residence of the prince-bishops and cardinals of the Ho

mapMarkerGrey 2 Place du Château, 67000 Stra...

The ship, Strasbourg, Alsace, France

Sail to stately Strasbourg in the Statendam, a more wonderful holiday is hard to imagine. On the way

mapMarkerGrey 1 Rue Philippe Dollinger, 6710...

Covered Bridge, Strasbourg, Alsace, Fran

Continuing on from the Petite France area we come to the Covered Bridges. These have kept their name

mapMarkerGrey Pont Couverts, Ponts Couverts,...

Protestant Church of St. Peter the Young

The Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune Protestant Church is one of the most important church buildings of the cit

mapMarkerGrey 4 Place Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune,...