The Boathouse, In The Park
Unleash your inner pirate and take to the water with your family and friends on one of our rowing boats. Simply come along to the Boathouse, no need to book, and our friendly team fit you with life jackets and advise on the right size boat for you.
What you need to know:
Large boats hold up to 5 people and smaller boats up to 3 people.
At least one adult is required in each boat
No dogs are allowed on boats or left unattended at the Boathouse
Life jackets must fit correctly and be worn at all times, children who do not fit our smallest life jackets will not be allowed on the boats, usually this is those under 3 years old.
When: Boats are available to hire every day from 11am – 4pm (weather permitting).
Cost: One boat for 1 hour £11.30* One boat for half an hour £7.50
*During busy periods boat hire may be restricted to half hour slots. Boats cannot be pre-booked so just turn up and pay on the day.
George, the resident swan is nesting at the moment so boating is restricted to the first half of the lake for the time being.
Pittville lower lake is one of the finest places to go fishing in Gloucestershire: eels, dace, pike, roach, carp, bream and sardines all have been caught here (and thrown back to swim again). You can get the best possible access to the water’s edge thanks to four fishing platforms and two specialist stations for use by disabled anglers. What do you need: You must have an environmental agency rod licence – this can be purchased at the Post Office or online at You also need a Day permit for the day you want to fish on. Day permits are available from the hatch at the Boathouse – £7.20 for adults or £4.30 for OAPs and juniors. Please follow the fishing guidelines at all time, these can be found here The lower lake is also a boating lake and anglers should ensure that when casing that their swim is clear or both wildlife and boats to prevent injury.
George, our resident swan, has lived on the lake for many years along with his wife Zelda. The pair nest on the island every spring, producing a flock of cygnets, who are the subject of many photographs and social media posts! George himself is infamous in the local area and achieved national recognition when he was the victim of a horrific crossbow attack in 2018. Miraculously he survived thanks to the efforts of the Vale Wildlife Centre who nursed him back to health, but needless to say it didn’t improve his temper, and during nesting season he can become understandably aggressive towards anglers and boaters who stray too near the island. To keep the peace with nature, boating is therefore restricted to the lower lake during April.
Please be mindful of all wildlife when fishing and taking part in any activities around the lake. Do your bit to help protect the wildlife by disposing of litter correctly and cleaning up any discarded fishing line. If you see any animals in distress you can contact the local RSPCA on 01242 521958.