Badagry Heritage Museum, Badagry, Nigeria
TheBadagry Heritage Museum in Badagry is a one storey building that houses the artifacts, records and culture of the Badagry people. Objects in this museum date back to pre-slave era, slave era and post slave era.
The people of Badagry wanting to keep their heritage intact and as a reminder of what happened in their town decided to resist huge buyouts of some of the things they hold dear and have instead decided to put in this museum items that are unique, old and valued historically.
At the museum, the tour guide will take you on a trip through 8 galleries all named for different periods of the slave era. From capturing slaves to chaining them to sending them abroad to abolishment laws to slaves returning back to Badagry.
The museum is very rich in culture, information and history. ]The heritage museum is a must visit if you are looking to see a part of the African Origin.
It is often said that the African story did not begin with slaves and this museum shows it. You will find the culture & records of the people who inhabited Badagry long before the setllers came and changed everything.
Epic Nigeria Culture & Adventure Route © Monika Newbound